The P'Nut

The P'Nut

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Hello? Restriction??? Where'd you go??

Hi Restriction, it's Michele. I'm just wondering when you think you may return. Frida is useless when you're not around and I'm required to rely on will power which I will admit, is LOW or else Frida would never have been allowed to come work with me. If you could give me a buzz and let me know what your plans are, that'd be great! Thanks!

My fill didn't even last a whole week!?!?! Well that kinda sucks! I'm not overeating but my portions aren't near as small as they were over the weekend or on Monday. What happened to my tightness??

I just split a meal with a friend. I ate less than she did which is way better than pre-band when I may have left her hungry but I still had over a half a cup of food. I'm sure if I would've eaten slower I would have eaten less because now I feel full but a couple days ago, I would have been uncomfortable and stopped.

My next fill appointment is April 5th.


  1. Restriction will come. I feel a lot of restriction and I eat about a cup of food at a sitting... For me I worry if it goes below a cup because I want to get my protein in. Hope your next fill gives you the restriction you need...

  2. Hang in there. Restriction will be here soon. But "over a half a cup" is still not very much. You are doing great!

  3. Stay strong and keep your head up my friend. Everyone is right....restriction will come. Sounds like you're entering bandster hell. Sometimes fills don't last very long and other times you can go a couple of months on a fill. You could call your surgeon and let them know that you're not getting any restriction and ask for another fill. The worst they can do is tell you no.
