The P'Nut

The P'Nut

Friday, February 12, 2010

Everyone knows...So much for it being a secret!

This picture could have been taken at my work. Seriously! And the black girl is looking at me with that gasping look on her face. YES ALL YOU NOSEY BITCHES - I had lapband surgery...JEALOUS??
I'm not good at keeping secrets about myself. If you tell me something in confidence, I'm good at keeping that kind of secret but something exciting, I'm no good! I buy you a gift, I have to give it to you right away. I just can't hold in happy things! And this was a happy thing!
I know why I tried to keep it from certain people...I work with some real snotty women who are constantly dieting and talk smack about each other behind the others back. I just didn't want to be a topic of conversation. So much for that! But I'm fine with it. I'm holding my head up high! This was in no way the easy road of dieting. While you're all snacking on spicy pretzels and red velvet cake, I'm over here buring my fat ass off sipping a protein shake. TAKE THAT!
That was my rant. Sorry...I had to get it off my chest.
I'm down another half pound today too. WOOO HOOO!!!!! I'm off to find some soup for lunch. Happy friday banded (pre or post) blog buddies! :)


  1. I do that too when it comes to gifts, but some things you just have to keep in the "vault". Sheesh!

  2. My office is the same way! Don't let it bother you...they are just jealous!! :)

  3. Jealous women...we're our own worst enemies! Just found your blog! The p'nut is adorable!! Shannon and you must be so proud! I just moved my blog here:
    Can't wait to read more! -BG

  4. I have been TRYING to keep mine a secret, but my mom keeps telling everyone. Kind of pisses me off, but eventually I guess I will just have to let the whole secrecy thing go... it is probably better that way anyway!

  5. Ranting is good for you!! And we are here to listen.
    I hate it when people talk behind my back. Tell me to my face and we will deal - talk behind me when I don't know.. watch out. Nasty people. Hold your head up high and just evil eye them. Screw them!!

  6. Everyone is right, you are doing something amazing, and they are just jealous!

    Lucky for me, I am retired, so I don't have the problem of co-workers. But I am the type of person that would have told everyone anyway!

    And my DH tells everyone we know, including his co-workers! So I guess it is a good thing that I am not trying to hide it! LOL

  7. I've told a number of people at my office, but these are co-workers that I also consider good friends who I have worked with for many, many years. I am expecting there to be some comments and questions later down the road from co-workers around my university who i haven't told, but I am prepared for it. Don't let them get to you. Your butt will be steadily shrinking and they will stuck being catty for the rest of their lives!
