The P'Nut

The P'Nut

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Sliming. Getting Stuck and Learning!

I like to think I'm a quick learner. I've been proven wrong again! We went out for breakfast on Saturday morning. We were between gymnastics and swimming lessons. Shannon was going to take p'nut to swimming while I ran to the bank but we met for breakfast in between.

I was good, or so I thought. I had coffee, scrambled eggs with cheese and mushrooms. Food came...I started to eat. P'nut started to be a brat so I was forced to enhale a few bites before removing her from the table for a little talk in the bathroom. I knew I was a bit stuck when I got back to the table. I took another bite anyway because I guess i'm just a glutton for punishment. I requested a take home container then. I'd eaten maybe 5 bites of my breakfast.

I excused myself to the bathroom which was full of old women. Slime and spit are just pooling in my mouth. After then all left I finally got a stall and started trying to get the egg out. I took 25 minutes for me to finally get the food up. It was awfule. Easily the worst episode of stuck I've ever had. It was violent and LOUD and I got the ball of goo out.

Shannon came to check on me while I was in there and I was in tears. I promised I'd call the doctor for a slight unfill. I haven't gotten stuck or had any problem since. I really think the getting stuck is me. I'm not following the rules and I'm learning the hard and annoying way.

I think I may have finally figured it out. I ate chicken salad yesterday and had no problem. Chicken salad was somthing I had a problem with even before my big fill. I had chicken for dinner last night too and had no problem. I think I really may have figured it out.

Shannon still wants me to go get alittle taken out but I feel like i'm so close to the sweet spot....


  1. Isn't that the worst? I have really made a serious effort NOT to take big bites or eat quickly, even when I'm hungry, but my first tendancy is always to gobble my food down. I'm sorry you had such a hard time.

  2. I don't think you need an unfill. It sounds like it was human error. Trust me... I have done this plenty in the last 11 months. I eat too fast, the wrong thing early in the morning, take one too many bites.. and WHAM stuck, sliming and paying for it.

    Just keep eating slowly, take small bites, and be careful!

  3. Morning is definately the worst time...and I do tend to struggle with scrambled egg now. The thing is, the right restriction is a very individual thing in my opinion, so good luck in working out what's right for you. xx

  4. You can PB from not following the rules, and that doesn't necessarily mean you need an unfill. If you PB all the time, then yes, but you specifically said you inhaled some food, so obviously you were forced to not chew as much as normal and probably ate a little fast. I don't think an unfill is necessary unless that starts happening all the time.

  5. Dude the photo made me gag a little. I guess I'm a visual person haha!

  6. I had this happen not to long ago. It was mushrooms, the next time I ate mushrooms...again they got stuck. I hate it.... it hurts and feels awful
