The P'Nut

The P'Nut

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Why do I always have to be the happy one?

I'm surrounded by a bunch of crab asses. WTF people? A little bit of a smile wouldn't kill you!

Shannon's got killer PMS. It happens every month...I spend 3 days questioning our relationship and wondering if she's really happy becuase not matter what I say or what I do, she's pissed off! I think i've finally figured out that it's PMS and not me. I feel better this month knowing that it will go away.

CPL is incredibly cranky too. She's been cranky forever though. If she's not eating, she's angry. Ugh!

I feel like I'm always the happy one trying to cheer everyone up.


  1. ahhh. i'm sorry you are feeling like you're the only one whose lips turn up instead of down. i wish i had some uplifting words, but i don't really know what to say. i'm thinking of you though. and with a smile! =)

  2. That's a tough place to be - I hope things lighten up a bit!

  3. I hope things look up soon!! :P

  4. happy happy joy joy! lol that just gives you the opening to be super crabby in a week or two lol
